Landlords retain property management companies to protect their interests. Landlord Inspections are an important part of this process. At Gulf Coast Property Management, we perform three types of landlord inspections. All inspections are performed by Gulf Coast Property Management employees. We use the latest generation software. Landlord Inspections are a condition of our leases and an essential part of the service we perform for landlords. The 3 landlord inspections are as follows:

Landlord Inspections #1 Move-in Inspection
This is an extremely detailed inspection that is performed prior to move-in. We use 360° technology to record the condition of the whole property. This inspection creates a baseline to which all parties can refer to for future inspections, and when a tenant moves out. Both the tenants and the landlord receive copies of this inspection for future reference. We also encourage tenants to take their own photos and notes. Any documentation that the tenant hopes to later rely on should be shared with their property manager at the time of recording.
Landlord Inspections #2 Periodic or Renewal Inspection
Unless there are special circumstances, a tenant living in a property managed by Gulf Coast can expect two periodic inspections per year.
Periodic inspections are light inspections, rarely taking more than 10 minutes. The purpose is to record the property condition and make sure the terms of the lease are being followed. This includes checking on maintenance obligations. i.e. ensuring air filters are being changed regularly. The inspection also includes checking for unauthorized occupants or pets.
The periodic or renewal inspections are the only landlord inspections that occur when the property is occupied. We understand that inspections can feel intrusive, especially when a property manager uses photos to record the condition. In preparation for the inspection, we encourage tenants to make sure the property is in a clean and tidy state. Landlords review inspections and often make renewal decisions on how the property is being looked after. Property managers have zero interest in the personal belongings of tenants and would prefer that tenants put personal things away before an inspection.
Tenants can be present during these periodic inspections, however their presence isn’t necessary. We will always provide tenants with fair notice of an inspection time and date. At Gulf Coast Property Management, we consider a fair notice to be a minimum of 48 hours. The time and dates are fixed, as the inspection is incorporated into the property manager’s larger schedule.
Property inspections cannot be performed if pets are not secured or if there are unaccompanied minors. Tenants would be charged for rescheduled inspections.
The periodic inspection is also a good opportunity for the tenant to raise any maintenance concerns they may have.
Landlord Inspections #3 Move-out Inspection
Once the tenant vacates the property, the move out inspection takes place. It is a detailed inspection which compares the move-out condition to the move-in condition. The decision to make a charge on the security deposit is based on the comparison between the move-in and move-out inspections.
Before vacating, we encourage all tenants to refer to the original move-in inspection. The aim is to return the property to the baseline condition. It is a misconception that property managers and landlords want to retain security deposits. Real estate investment depends on occupancy, and when a property requires extensive work it holds up the occupancy process and delays the landlord’s revenue stream.
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